Event details
- Monday | June 3, 2017
- 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
What is the Walk for Life?
The Walk for Life is a simple way for people of all ages to actively demonstrate support for the Sanctity of Human Life and make a difference in the lives of women, men and their babies. This two-mile Walk or Run will take less than 90 minutes of your time, but its effect could literally last a lifetime. When you put your feet to your convictions and Walk for Life, you are directly helping the ministry of A Caring Pregnancy Center (ACPC) advance its mission to impact and transform people with the love of Christ. (Source: ACPC)
How do I register for the Walk for Life?
To participate in the Walk for Life, first create a personal fundraising page by clicking the following link: www.acpcpueblo.org/
Please Note:
- The Walk for Life event is being held at a NEW location this year: City Park at Rotary 43 Pavilion
- There is a $25 regristration fee to walk (includes a Walk for Life T-shirt)
- Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., Walk begins at 9:00 a.m.