Event details
- Monday | January 10, 2018
- 12:00 am - 1:00 am
Currently on Winter Break. Classes will resume January 10th, 2018.
Please join us Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. as we view the Love and Respect series taught by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs.
“We believe love best motivates a woman and respect most powerfully motivates a man. Research reveals that during marital conflict a husband most often reacts unlovingly when feeling disrespected, and a wife reacts disrespectfully when feeling unloved. We asked 7,000 people the question, “When you are in a conflict with your spouse or significant other, do you feel unloved or disrespected?” 83% of the men said “disrespected” and 72% of the women said “unloved.” Though we all need love and respect equally, the felt need differs during conflict, and this difference is as different as pink is from blue!” [Source: Love and Respect Ministries]